Many failures are not due to limited capacity, but because they do not adhere to the end -- No Game No Life

Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
Master of Science in Statistics
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, June 2022
Master of Science in Mathematics
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, June 2017
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

Online Classes

Computer Science and Programming Using Python at MIT
Computer Science 101 at Stanford University
Machine Learning at Coursera

Research Experience

Denoise Speech Using Deep Learning Networks and Wavelet, Advisor: Adel Faridani, Ph.D. Department of Mathematics, Oregon State University
Built Encoder-Decoder neural network models by using Convolutional layers for audios denoising
Applied wavelet for deconstructing and reconstructing noised audios
Implemented Mallat's algorithm to construct Daubechies wavelets
Sentiment Polarity Identification in Financial News (on-going)
Applied Beautiful-Soup to web-scrap daily financial news from major news websites
Built a robot to collect Twitter daily top news
Sentiment Analysis
Potential Statistical Method

Kaggle Data Science Competition

Avito Demand Prediction Challenge
Top 2% out of 1873 teams
Applied pre-trained Convolutional neural network models to extract features from image data
In this competition, we used a single layer stacking of different Neural Network and LGN models, and then trained our stack with XGB and blended the results with LGB stacker 1:1. Since there are not many word embeddings for Russian texts, we applied TF-IDf for feature engineering and then used PCA to reduce the dimention from 2000 to 200.
Toxic Comment Classification Challenge
Top 2% out of 4551 tems
Challenge: Don't have computers with good GPUs and enough RAMs for training.
Since this was our first Natural Language problem, we stacked and blended our Neural Network models (over 20 models) to achieve our final result. Our best single model was a RCNN model that bases on bi-gru-cnn-poolings with some tunnings.
Mercari Price Suggestion Challenge
Top 8% out of 2380 teams
We applied tf-idf from sklearn to extract features from texts and then built a ridge model with all original numerical features and tf-idf features for predicting the correct item price from an ad
Quora Insincere Questions Classification
Top 20% out of 1401 teams
This was a kernel (13Gb RAMs and a Tesla 80k GPU) only competition.
Topic modeling, a small projects for studying NLP
Final model was a RNN model with poolings and attention. Because kernel only runs up to 2 hours, we spent a lot of time on improving training time. Our solution for that was inserting a Capsule layer between GRU layers that groups outputs into k capsules. In order to get better results, we applied stochastic weighted average to average weights after 3 epochs.

Web Development

Bitcoin Price
This project is a Time-Series study (because coindesk only provides close prices data for free, we just do a simple pattern analysis). D3 is the main module to create each line chart. In order to zoom in specific time range, we modified a function from D3 gallery. The major obstacle of this project was replacing new charts with new json files. If we simply update a json file and then create a new chart, previous one will maintain on the background; therefore, we removed all svg structures of previous chart and then added new svg structures to generate a new one.

Graduate Teaching Assistant at Oregon State University - (Sept. 2019 — Present)
Teaching assigned College level Statistics/Mathematics courses
Assessing and correcting students’ programming code
Leading class discussions and answering student questions
Evaluating students' written answers on assignments


Study Resources

Introduction to Algorithms By Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein
Machine Learning
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning By Christopher Bishop
Deep Learning By Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville
JavaScript, HTML and CSS
HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites By Jon Duckett
W3 School